OACS maintains several conference rooms throughout BSOS.  A listing of supported conference rooms and supported features can be accessed by clicking the OACS supported conference rooms link on the right-hand side.  OACS also offers introductory sessions for supported conference rooms to explain how to interact with room technology.  If you would like to schedule an introductory session, please submit a help desk ticket.

BSOS Conference Rooms:

We are currently in the process of inventorying / validating the various BSOS conference rooms for
functionality. As we complete the validation process, additional rooms will be added to the list until we
complete the full listing of supported rooms throughout the College.

Building: Morrill Hall
Room: 3102B
    Yes Skype
    Yes WebEx
    Yes Video Conferencing
    No Bring Your Own Device
    Yes Presentation (MS PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat, Web)

Building: Morrill Hall
Room: 1101
    Yes Skype
    Yes WebEx
    Yes Video Conferencing
    Yes Bring Your Own Device
    Yes Presentation (MS PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat, Web)

Building: Chincoteague Hall
Room: 2113
    Yes Skype
    Yes WebEx
    Yes Video Conferencing
    Yes Bring Your Own Device
    Yes Presentation (MS PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat, Web)

Conference table