BSOS hosts structured websites in the Drupal platform/framework for BSOS units such as departments and centers.  BSOS Communications guides the process for the overall system and its implementation.

To send a request to BSOS Communications, please use the form below.


Please enter your full (first and last) name.
Host Department
If the request is for a Unit within a deparment (or hosted by), please select the hosting Department
Primary Point-of-Contact (POC)

The Primary POC will be the point person for setting up the website framework. Please enter their contact details below.

Please enter the full name of the POC.
Please enter the POC's phone number.
If moving from a website that already exists, please enter the current website's URL.
Please enter the URL that would be the permanent address of the website home page. It should be simple, descriptive, and end in (Example:
Please estimate how many persons will have top-level/wide-sweeping access to this site.
Please enter a date on which you plan to launch the new website.  (If not known, please estimate the earliest possible launch date)