The Office of Academic Computing Services (OACS) provides a web hosting service to support academic and research activities. The following types of web sites are supported by OACS.

  • Departmental: Website that contains content related to the department. Managed by a person appointed by the department.
  • Research Center or Special Program: Website that contains content related to the research center or special program. Managed by a person appointed by the unit.
  • Class: Website that contains content related to a BSOS class published in the University's Schedule of Classes. Managed by the course instructor or a designee. Class websites will remain operational unless instructor directs OACS to de-activate the site.
  • Faculty: Website that contains information about a faculty member, including publications, awards/honors, and special research. Managed by the faculty member or a designee.


  1. Website owners and/or updaters who are not faculty or staff, or are external to the University, must be sponsored by a faculty or staff member of their respective unit. Non-sponsored entities will not receive a website and/or web server FTP account.
  2. The OACS web hosting service supports the Microsoft software stack (i.e., Windows, IIS, SQLServer, and asp or Use of software stacks other than Windows, such as LAMP (Linux / Apache / MySQL / PHP) or WAMP (Windows / Apache / MySQL / PHP) must be discussed with OACS prior to the development of your site. OACS may recommend the use of Division of IT’s TerpConnect ( ) or Web Hosting  services.