Exam Scanning Overview:
We are happy to announce that OACS now provides Scantron exam support services to the College of Behavioral & Social Sciences (BSOS). Scantron services are provided free of charge to all units within BSOS. Scantron services to non-BSOS entities are also available as part of this offering, but are considered on a case-by-case basis and include a nominal service charge.
The OACS Scantron service provides both an Excel grade book file that can be imported as well as a host of useful reports post-scoring that will be sent via SecureShare; sample reports associated with our service can be found below.
Example Sample Report Documents: | |
Exam Overview | PDF Link |
Class Frequency | PDF Link |
Student Response | PDF Link |
Student Stats | PDF Link |
Student Histogram | PDF Link |
Student Achievement | PDF Link |
Incorrect Response | PDF Link |
In addition to the sample reports, all Scantron forms also have the percent and score manually printed on each form in the event that the instructor chooses to return the form. A sample graded form can be viewed by clicking here.
Exam Scanning Policies:
Exam Scoring:
Exam scanning is conducted during normal business operating hours (8:30am -> 3:00pm) Monday through Friday, excluding University holidays. Please plan accordingly and schedule your exam supply pickups and grading well in advance to ensure a successful experience. Exceptions to this rule will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and must be made in writing via a ticket to oacshelpdesk [at] umd [dot] edu.
Be advised that post-scanning, an email will be sent to the email address of the individual who scheduled the grading via SecureShare. The SecureShare message will include a PDF grade report as well as an ELMS compatible CSV report. If you need the grade results to be sent to an individual other than the one who scheduled the scoring, this must be noted within the scoring request you submit on our website.
Post-exam scanning, all materials will be returned to the attention of the individual who scheduled the scanning session and will be delivered to their primary departmental office in a sealed tamper proof envelope. We will also maintain an electronic version of the exams we scanned (all exam forms are digitally imaged) should score related questions arise at a future date. In the event that a department requires an exam image, that request must submitted to the OACS helpdesk at oacshelpdesk [at] umd [dot] edu.
Please Note: Exam scoring must be schedule at least five (5) business days prior to your exam to ensure that we are able to accommodate your request. Additionally, be certain to include your answer key with your submission back to us. The answer key will consist of a separate Scantron exam sheet w/ the correct answers and "Exam Key" entered in the first and last name boxes of the form; the key should be located at the top of the submission stack. Failure to schedule an exam scoring session may create a delay in having your exams scanned and the results returned to you in a timely manner.
Delivery / Dropoff Responsibilities:
As touched on above, OACS will deliver blank forms to the departmental main office of the individual requesting supplies. Post-exam, instructors are required to drop off completed exam forms to the OACS main office for grading. Graded materials will then be delivered back to the departmental main office of the individual requesting a scoring session by OACS personnel.
Note: Non-BSOS units are the exception to this and will need to facilitate pickup and drop-off to/from the OACS main office.
Post Exam Notes:
As part of your exam supplies delivery, you will be provided with your exam forms in tamper proof envelopes along with a copy of your request ticket and instructions sheet. After your exam has completed, place all exam forms back in the envelope provided, along with a completed answer key form (at the top). Remove the tamper proof backing tape and fully seal the envelope; it is then ready for pickup or drop off. Be advised that with this new service offering and to ensure proper chain of custody, we are requiring everyone to ensure the tamper proof envelopes are fully sealed post-exam so that we can ensure access to exam materials is controlled and nothing has been tampered with prior to grading taking place.
Exam Supplies:
OACS provides Scantron forms to BSOS departments within the College at no charge; a Scantron form request can be submitted via the link below to request forms prior to an exam. In the event that a BSOS department wishes to purchase forms to have on-hand, your department is welcome to do so. However, we request that your department purchase form 16504, which can be procured from the following link: https://store.scantron.com/16504-gpas-200q-x-5-500-pkg/
IMPORTANT NOTE: Exam pickup and drop off services are only available to BSOS units / departments. Units outside of BSOS will have to coordinate pickup and delivery to the OACS offices and will need to plan accordingly. Additionally, we request that you submit you grading and form requests 24 hours prior to when you require your supplies or need grading to take place. This allows us time to ensure that we are able to package and deliver your supplies / ensure that your exams are in the proper grading queue.
Other Points of Note:
- Exam forms must be completed in #2 pencil. Although black ink can be accepted, no other color ink can be used and/or read by our machines.
- Exam forms and keys must all be of the same form number and color. We do not accept / grade exams with mismatched forms throughout and/or mismatched keys and exams. If you need supplies, please contact us and we will provided you with the necessary material to ensure that you are in compliance with this policy.
- If you have multiple sections and/or versions w/ multiple TAs that need to be graded separately, please ensure that all materials are included in corresponding envelopes for each section / version and clearly labeled with the appropriate TA information.
Using the Office of Accessibility and Disability Services' Testing Center:
OACS is now stocking the Office of Accessibility and Disability Services' testing accommodations office with the red Scantron forms being used within BSOS.
If you are requesting a testing accommodation through the Office of Accessibility and Disability Services' testing center, please be sure to notate that red forms need to be used on your accommodation request. The testing center will then pull the appropriate red forms for your student(s) to ensure a seamless grading experience.
Non-BSOS Scantron Scoring:
Beginning with the Spring 2023 Semester, we will make Scantron scanning available to non-BSOS units on a case-by-case approved basis; there will be a nominal fee for this service as broken down in the price chart below. If you are a non-BSOS unit, you must request clearance first so that we can review your anticipated volume and then establish an account for your group; requests can be sent to oacshelpdesk [at] umd [dot] edu. Once your account has been established, your unit will be permitted to submit scoring requests. Please note that non-BSOS units must schedule exam scoring via the link below. Exams dropped off without a scoring request will be scheduled for grading when scoring for other units has completed; we cannot guarantee a turnaround time for submissions without a confirmed scoring request.
Non-BSOS units are required to procure their own Scantron forms for use with this service. This can be done via a request to our office (we can provide the supplies to your group and then bill your KFS) or the forms can be purchased directly from: https://store.scantron.com/16504-gpas-200q-x-5-500-pkg/ - We recommend form 16504 for use with our services.
Non-BSOS Pricing Structure:
Description | Charge |
Per Form Scanning/ Grading Charge: | $0.20 |
One Time Administrative Setup Fee (Per Exam): |
$2.00 |
Important Links:
Exam Form / Supplies Request: https://oacs.umd.edu/form/scantron-form-request
Exam Scoring Request: https://oacs.umd.edu/form/scantron-scoring-request